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Lifelike Drawing is Easy but Childlike Drawing is Difficult

Create Beautiful, Realistic Coloured Pencil Drawings

Create Beautiful, Realistic
Coloured Pencil Drawings

(Without Relying On Art Tutorials Or Expensive Supplies)

From the studio of Kirsty Partridge
England, UK

Have you ever stared at a blank piece of paper, coloured pencil in hand, and wondered "Where do I even start?!"

Confused on which colours to choose, no idea which layer to start with, and lacking the skills to add the right textures and details.

Do you ever get frustrated with your drawings,

and give up half-way through because they look
nothing like the reference?

Wondering if you'll ever draw something you're proud of, thinking maybe a more expensive pencil set will do the trick.

And do you ever look at your finished pieces and think…

From the studio of Kirsty Partridge
England, UK

Have you ever stared at a blank piece of paper, coloured pencil in hand, and wondered "Where do I even start?!"

Confused on which colours to choose, no idea which layer to start with, and lacking the skills to add the right textures and details.

Do you ever get frustrated with your drawings, and give up half-way through because they look nothing like the reference?

Wondering if you'll ever draw something you're proud of, thinking maybe a more expensive pencil set will do the trick.

And do you ever look at your

finished pieces and think…

Why Do All My Drawings Look
Cartoonish And Two-Dimensional?!

Why Do All My Drawings
Look Cartoonish And

If there's anything I've learned after working with nearly 21,000 artists in my premium art classes, plus the feedback I've gotten on over 61 Million views on YouTube…

It's that we all go through the same struggles when it comes to mastering the art of coloured pencil drawing.

It's a slow medium.  It requires a lot of precision and control.

And sadly, because it's such a challenging medium (when you don't have the tools I'm about to show you), I see way too many artists giving up because they don't think they "have the talent."

But what you need to realize is…

Drawing With Coloured Pencils Is
A Skillset That Anyone Can Learn!

Drawing With Coloured Pencils Is A Skillset That Anyone Can Learn!

Would you try to play the piano, and give up if it didn't sound right on your first try?

Then why would it be any different when drawing with coloured pencils?!

And don't tell me it's because you can't afford expensive pencils…

I'll show you how to create a super realistic drawing with an affordable 12 pencil from Amazon.

Just like any other skill, drawing with coloured pencils is a skill ANYONE can master.

For example…

Would you try to play the piano, and give up if it didn't sound right on your first try?

Then why would it be any different when drawing with coloured pencils?!

And don't tell me it's because you can't afford expensive pencils…

I'll show you how to create a super realistic drawing with an affordable 12 pencil from Amazon.

Just like any other skill, drawing with coloured pencils is a skill ANYONE can master.

Do You Make These
Coloured Pencil Mistakes?

Let's take a look at some of the most common mistakes artists make when drawing with coloured pencils:

They Don't Have A Gameplan

When most artists start their drawings, they have no idea how to draw an accurate sketch, which colours to choose, and what layers to start and end with.

But what if I told you there was a set of questions you can ask yourself before starting your next drawing…

That gives you a crystal clear gameplan for sketching perfection proportions, choosing accurate colours, and knowing exactly when to add each layer to your drawing?

They Don't Understand Values

This one is huge!

When it comes to drawing a realistic image, most beginners think choosing the right colours is the most important part…

But understanding values is WAY MORE important!

Your colours can actually be quite off if your shadows are dark enough and your highlights are accurate.  I'll show you why in the next section…

They "Finish" Their Drawings Too Early

They "Finish" Their

Drawings Too Early

Drawing with coloured pencils really can get stressful the more time you put into your drawing…

Because the more layers you add, the more likely you are to make a mistake and RUIN your drawing!

Which is why so many novice artists finish their drawings early, afraid to try solvents and other blending techniques that would dramatically smooth out their drawings…

And adding the right texture and details to get their drawings to pop and come to life.

If Any Of These Sound Familiar
Trust Me, You're Not Alone!

If Any Of These Sound Familiar Trust Me, You're Not Alone!

When I started my YouTube channel back in 2015, I quickly realized that my most popular videos were the ones where I broke down the HOW behind the art.

Over time, I started recording premium art tutorials – Showing step by step how I chose my colours, how I added each layer, as well as blending and sketching techniques…

And I've been lucky to have over 21,000 people purchase my tutorials, where I get messages like these daily from artists who have used my tutorials:

But What Do You Do When You
Want To Draw Your Own Reference?!

But What Do You Do
When You Want To Draw
Your Own Reference?!

But the more tutorials I put out, the more I started noticing a problem.

When someone purchased one of my tutorials, they were easily able to follow along with me, using the reference I chose, and creating something that looked realistic.

The challenge was when they wanted to use their own reference, like a picture of their family or someone's pet…

Whenever they went off on their own, their drawings never looked realistic!

And what I've come to realize is…

No Art Tutorial Will Ever Give
You Everything You Need To
Master Coloured Pencil Drawing

After seeing the same questions pop up again and again, as well getting countless comments on YouTube asking for help…

I've decided to create a comprehensive online course that distills down everything I've learned over the last 5+ of years teaching in my premium art tutorials.

And teach you in a visual, step by step framework, a method for drawing ANY reference you want.

So that instead of doing lots of trial and error or needing to follow along to an art tutorial…

You'll know exactly when to add each layer, the theory behind choosing the right colours and values, and how to effortlessly draw in the details without the fear of making a mistake.

(Actual Drawings From The Course)


The Coloured Pencil Academy

The Most Comprehensive Coloured Pencil Drawing Course Online
Specifically Designed For Artists To Create More Realistic Drawings
(No Matter How Challenging The Reference)

The Most Comprehensive Coloured Pencil Drawing Course Online

With 15+ hours of video trainings housed inside a private members area, showing you the WHY behind the drawing…

And boiling it all down into guides, formulas and strategies that are easy to apply.

Showing you every step of the way as we move from sketching and proportions, to colour theory and values…

To confidently drawing more challenging references like animals, and human portraits.

Giving you the power to…

Draw ANY Reference You Want
(And Have A Lot Of Fun Doing It!)

No matter what skill level you're today:

So if you're ready to level up your drawings, then click the big purple button below and join me inside The Coloured Pencil Academy!

So if you're ready to level up
your drawings, then click
the big purple button below!

Natasha Beckwith

More valuable than my Art Degree!

I learned so much in this course and am still learning from it as I watch parts again. I wish I had courses like this when I attended University, I would have been so much more confident as an artist and saved a ton of money. Thank you Kirsty for all the hard work and endless hours given to create this absolute Gem!

Jeff Cameron

Immediate improvement in my artistic efforts!

Kirsty's gifted ability to teach others how to quickly improve their drawing, whether a novice or a professional artist, is simply amazing. Her Coloured Pencil Academy is fantastic, allowing people to move at their own pace, creating an online experience where over 400 artists can share their work, encourage each other, and enhance the learning process – this is absolutely fantastic!

Darlene Rodriguez

Take this class, you won't regret it.

Kirsty Partridge has once again delivered. Her evident love of this medium and tremendously enthusiastic teaching style is only surpassed by the kindness she exudes towards her students. Kirsty is your cheerleader, she is in your corner, and one can actually feel her exhorting you on to go higher. Plus, she offers an amazing discount for all this course delivers. Grateful in the USA….

David Gray

Awesome Course

As a rank beginner to colored pencil art I am finding this course absolutely wonderful. The course is presented in a clear easy to follow format so that even if you have never tried colored pencils you will find everything you need to know here… truly is the only course in colored pencils that you will ever need.

Here's How We'll Level Up
Your Drawings Together...

Intro: Setting Yourself Up For Success

Intro: Setting Yourself
Up For Success

Before we jump into the drawing, we need to first make sure you have the right mindset for success.

You'll also learn how to setup your ideal workspace environment, so that whenever you're ready to draw it's an exciting and fun experience instead of a chore.

Here's some of what you'll learn:

We'll finish the Introduction section by making sure your workspace is setup for success, with proper lighting, desk choice, and even where to place your supplies.

And finally, I'll have you submit your latest drawing before you start the course so we can see how much better and realistic your drawings are by the end of the program!

Next it's time to move onto…

Level 1: Mastering Sketches With Black And White Drawings

In Level 1 we'll tackle two of the most important concepts for creating realistic drawings:  Proportions and Values!

And because we are just getting started with coloured pencils, we are going to start out nice and easy by drawing a human eye. No complex colours or techniques.

Here's some of what you'll learn along the way:

By the end of Level 1, you'll already have a much better understanding of why some drawings look realistic, and others don't…

With dozens of new techniques to try that will add an entirely new level of realism to your drawings.

But we won't stop there!  Next it's time to move onto…

Here's What Students Had To Say:

Level 2: Mastering Colour Selection

Level 2: Mastering
Colour Selection

Now that you've got a feel for the medium, it's time to take on colour!

From picking the perfect colours to match your reference, blending and layering techniques, this Level will help you master colour theory and layering.

Here's some of what you'll learn:

By the end of Level 2, you'll finally be able to match ANY colour to your reference, and know exactly what steps you need to take as you move from a blank piece of paper to finished drawing…

Next it's time to learn how to smooth out your drawings and truly take them to the next level by learning…

Here's What Students Had To Say:

Level 3: From Grainy To Gorgeous (Blending Techniques And Details)

When it comes to amping up the vibrancy and realism in your drawings, proper blending and adding details are KEY tools to taking your art to the next level.

Which is why Level 3 is devoted to helping you beautifully blend your colours, as well as creating the perfect "underpainting" for adding more detail and texture to your drawings.

Here's some of what you'll learn:

Then, to finish Level 3, I'll have you choose a piece of fruit as your reference and apply the new blending and detail strategies you just learned in a new drawing…

And I guarantee you'll see an entirely new level of vibrancy and realism in your finished artwork!

But of course, we won't stop there!  Next, it's time to add even more detail and realism to your drawings

by learning…

Here's What Students Had To Say:

Level 4: Advanced Drawing Strategies

Level 4: Advanced
Drawing Strategies

As we move onto Level 4, it's time to bring it all together by adding even more realistic texture and details to a landscape project of your choice.

Here's some of what you'll learn:

By the end of Level 4, you'll now be able to render some of the most challenging textures and details in ANY reference and draw them with near "Photo quality" realism.

Now it's time to move on to even more challenging references…

Here's What Students Had To Say:

Level 5: Drawing
Amazing Animals

Level 5: Drawing Amazing Animals

Up until this point, we've mainly focused on drawing inanimate objects and nature.

But in Level 5, it's time to up your game and learn how to draw one of the most challenging subject matters:  Animals!

Here's some of what you'll learn to make your drawings appear more "alive":

After Level 5 you'll now understand why some animal drawings look dull and drab, and know exactly how to make sure yours come to life!

Plus you'll have a bunch of new texture and detail techniques you can use as we move onto the most challenging type of references in…

Here's What Students Had To Say:

Level 6: Drawing Perfect Portraits

Level 6: Drawing
Perfect Portraits

Now it's time to get serious!

In Level 6, we'll integrate all the techniques we've learned so far and apply them to drawing super realistic portraits.

Here's some of what you'll learn:

By the end of Level 6, you'll now be able to incorporate all the techniques you've learned throughout the course to confidently draw any portrait reference – even if it has lots of complex details and textures!

In the final level we'll show you how to apply everything that you've learned so you can…

Here's What Students Had To Say:

Conclusion: Draw ANY Reference Realistically

Conclusion: Draw ANY
Reference Realistically

You've done it!

You now have the skills to create drawings that are as realistic as anything you'll find on YouTube or Instagram – Making the drawing process much more enjoyable and rewarding.

This final level will help you bring it all together and help you break-free from ever needing an arttutorial again.

Here's some of what you'll learn:

Boom!  By the time you finish Level 7, you'll now have the confidence and ability to pick any reference you want and know exactly how to draw it!

You'll no longer have to waste hours searching online for an art tutorial that resembles your reference or feel stuck drawing images you're not excited about.

Instead, you'll have the skillset to turn whatever you want into a realistic masterpiece.


Get These Special Bonuses

FREE When You Join Today!

The "Where To Start" Flow Chart ($47 Value)

To make this course as comprehensive as possible, I'm also including these special limited time bonuses, yours free when you join today!

First you'll get my "Where to Start" Flow Chart, which gives you a step by step breakdown of how to start ANY new drawing.

Helping you pick the right colours, choose which layer to draw first, and even when to add the details!

So that whenever you start a new drawing, instead of thinking "Where do I start?!"…

All you'll need to do is quickly scan through this flow chart and immediately know where to begin. (With "shownotes" connecting each layer to videos inside the course)

But the only way to get this FREE Flow Chart is by joining The Coloured Pencil Academy today!

The Picking Perfect Colours Guide
($47 Value)

The Picking Perfect Colours Guide ($47 Value)

One of the most common struggles I hear from artists just starting out with coloured pencils, is that they don't know how to choose the right colours for their drawings…

Which is why I'm also including this Picking Perfect Colours Guide.

Specifically designed to help coloured pencil artists accurately match colours to references and create more realistic drawings.

Yours FREE when you join The Coloured Pencil Academy today!

The Coloured Pencil Supply Guide ($47 Value)

And finally, when you join today you'll also get my Coloured Pencil Supply Guide.

Specifically designed for beginner artists to help you get artist grade supplies at an affordable price.

Plus my top 10 tools and supplies to purchase as you up your game and gain more confidence with your drawing!

But the only way to get to all these special bonuses is by joining The Coloured Pencil Academy today!

Let's Recap Everything You Get:

You Get It All Today For:

Let Me Help You Upgrade Your Drawings Showing You Every Step Of The Way

30 Day Money-Back "Art Gift" Guarantee

On top that, I believe in this course so much, I'm also including a no questions asked money back guarantee.

This gives you a full month to try out the course, apply what you learn in multiple new drawings…

And if you don't see a tangible difference in your artwork, if you don't have a new-found confidence and excitement every time you start a new piece…

If, after 30 days, you're not so proud of your new drawings that you'd be excited to give them to a friend or family member as a gift, I'll send you 100% of your money back!

Just make an honest attempt at the program, and I will literally guarantee you take a huge step forward in your drawing skills.

Ann Walsh

The best colour pencil course I have ever come across

I have done courses in colour pencil before and I have read books but this course is the most extensive, detailed and clear. I found the section on choosing colours the most helpful along with the order of layers for portraits in particular. I have been nervous about attempting portraits of dogs with long hair, even though I have drawn dogs with short hair but now feel confident. Thanks!

Lori Sawyer


I have been in an art slump for about 7 months. I thought this would inspire me as I have had so much success in the past with Kirsty's tutorials. It has really gotten me so excited to draw again! I have approached each tutorial and lesson not as something I follow along with, but I complete it on my own after viewing the video. This has helped me tremendously and I feel successful again!

Suzanne McKinney

Bringing my art skills to a professional level

Over the years I have always been self taught, this is my first online course and Kirsty's artistic style and teaching method is what I'm interested in. I am learning the key pieces that was lacking in my art, I can now clearly see value and technique is lacking in my granddaughter's portrait, so at the end of this course I'm excited to do my other six grandchildren's portraits with confidence.

Terence Porter

Scary projects and a massive learning curve...

Every project and exercise was a first to me, as I have only been drawing for five months. I found everything scary, but incredibly exciting as I approached the end of each exercise and saw it developing into a finished piece. I realized that Kirsty was gently easing us into progressively more difficult challenges. I particularly liked Kirsty's perfect and clear diction.

The Time To Get Started Is NOW!

The Time To Get Started Is NOW!

With my 30 Day 100% money-back guarantee, you literally have no risk!

All you need to do to take advantage of this limited time offer is
 click the purple button below to join me inside!

You'll instantly be redirected to the checkout page, where you can enter your credit card details with 100% secured 32-bit encryption.

Followed by immediate access to the Private Members area with all the course videos and materials.

Giving you everything you need to...

Pick Any Reference And Easily Turn It
Into A Realistic Drawing You're Proud Of

Pick Any Reference And Easily Turn It Into A Realistic Drawing You're Proud Of

After over a decade of drawing, I can confidently say there are few things in life as rewarding as choosing a challenging reference – And being able to create a finished drawing that looks nearly identical to the reference you choose.

Now it's your turn to have this incredible skillset! I'd love to be your guide along the way.

Instead of wasting hours (or even years!) making the same mistakes, this is your shortcut to success.

It all starts by smashing that big purple button below, choosing your payment method, and then let's get started taking your drawings to the next level!

Creator of The Coloured Pencil Academy

Founder of Kirsty Partridge Art

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this different from your YouTube videos or Patreon?

Unlike my previous art tutorials, this course is designed to be a comprehensive drawing program, where each level builds off of the last so that you'll never need another art tutorial or video again.

On YouTube you'd have to sift through years of videos and only scratch the surface on what's included in this course.

Will I need to buy a bunch of expensive art supplies to go through this course?

NO!  In the very first level I'll show you how you can complete the entire course with only a 12 pencil set.  As well as giving you a list of supplementary supplies that you can buy as you get addicted to drawing. 🙂

What if I don't have a lot of free time to draw?

That's fine! I made sure that no video was more than 30 minutes long, and each level includes it's own simple project.

This way you can start and stop the program whenever you'd like, and use it as a reference if you need a quick refresh on a skill or technique.

How am I going to receive this course?

After purchasing you will receive an email that includes login details and a link to sign into a private members area that houses all the videos.

Once I enroll in the course, will the videos go away after a certain time?

Once enrolled, you will have lifetime access to The Coloured Pencil Academy videos. We've created a custom learning platform on our own server so that you'll never lose access to all the training videos, and bonuses. (As well as any future materials I may add to the course down the road)

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes there are payment plans available.  Click the big "Reserve Your Seat" button below to pay the full price of $297 or the "Click Here for Payment Plan" link below the button if you'd prefer to pay in 3 payments of $119.

Can I sign up for this course later or is there a deadline?

The Coloured Pencil Academy is currently open for enrollment, but I do take courses down from time to time to update them.

Can I get my money back if I'm not happy with The Coloured Pencil Academy?

Yes! That's why I created my 30 Day Money Back "Art Gift" Guarantee.

Here's how it works: Join the program, and if you don't see a tangible difference in your drawings by the end of the course, you can get your money back! Just shoot my team a message and we'll send you a prompt and courteous refund.

Ratings and Reviews

Kitty K

Posted 3 weeks ago

Very good

It's a very good course, I liked it very much. I learned a lot. Thank you 😊

Linda K

Posted 3 weeks ago


The course is very extensive. It has a broad range of topics.

Jaye M

Posted 3 weeks ago


Using the different methods to blend depending upon what you want to accomplish in your drawing

Alexandra B

Posted 3 months ago

This course has transformed my drawings!

I wasn't sure what to expect as I have never paid for an online course before. I was hesitant about what I would be getting fo my money. This has been worth every cent! I have leant much more than I would have following along with separate tutorials. The classes are short, to the point and I am building up skills that I can transfer to other drawing projects and mediums. Thank you Kirsty!!

Rice W

Posted 3 months ago


No matter if your interest is animals, still life, or portrait, this course has you covered.

Mark R

Posted 3 months ago

Fantastic course

Really create

Linda H

Posted 3 months ago

Kirsty Makes Drawing & Colouring So Much Easier To Learn

I'm not done, 70% through this course. I am loving it so much. I've always liked to draw but did so in black/white with pencils or charcoal. I really wanted to try colour but did not feel secure enough in my knowledge of colour. This course has taught me so much about colour theory, values and drawing that my confidence has greatly improved. Do every single lesson and reap the rewards.

Carrie B

Posted 3 months ago

Love this course!

I have learned so much from this course about coloured pencils and about art itself. I never went to art school and always felt I was missing some basic knowledge. This course filled in the missing pieces for me around values, layering and shadows. I have very much enjoyed this course, and the skills it has added to my toolbox.

Michael G

Posted 3 months ago

Best Ever Painting Course

That's right...painting....with colored pencil ! An absolute must course if you're either a raw rookie or a seasoned pro. Brilliantly constructed and easy to use and navigate. You can really tell how Kirsty loves this subject. She is a delight to listen to. My highest recommendation !

Phyllis K

Posted 3 months ago

Kirsty is amazing!!!

So far, I have been in awe of everything this young lady does. She is detailed, precise, and leaves no room for questions. She tells you so much about the use of this medium. This course is well worth every penny!

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